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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Navigating The Chaos of Multiple Startups

Dive into Rusty Dycus’ world of marketing dynamism and entrepreneurial fun as he deciphers the chaos of juggling multiple businesses. From pet rocks to unparalleled marketing strategies, Rusty’s zest for building, selling, and the joy behind it all is contagious. Tune in to learn how to transform every wall into a stepping stone for success.

Here are a few topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Masters in Marketing Agency Podcast.

  • Embrace chaos for business growth
  • Finding fun in entrepreneurial endeavors
  • Insights on effective customer engagement
  • Direct mail as the backbone of sales
  • Strategies for meaningful B2B connections


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  • 29:24 – If you get done with the end of your week and you have not had fun, you screwed up. So everything that we do, why are we doing it? Why do you do, oh well we need money. Do you really, do you really need as much money as you make? Or do you just like, why do we do what we do? So if you’re not having fun doing it, why are we doing it? Money is not even real. Money is just something that we, the government’s conned us into thinking that actually has value. It really doesn’t, it has no value. We trade our time and energy for nothing.
  • 49:49 – If you’re not bow out, get somebody else to do it that’s gonna do a better job. You can subcontract and still make a decent margin and that’s okay. There’s nothing wrong with subcontracting if there’s nothing wrong with saying, you know, Josh, I’m just not gonna be the best at that. But you know what, I got a buddy and he’s really good at art and he can make your picture and he can do it very well. Would you like me to get ahold of him and see if he’d like to work with you? There’s nothing wrong with that at all. So know your own strengths and weaknesses and make sure you’re doing for somebody else a good job. Don’t take a job on that you’re not qualified for. And I see it all the time. I see marketing agencies all the time screw people because they don’t know how to help them. They just need the cash flow. They’re just gonna take the job and then they hurt the customer and then they never wanna do business with ’em again. And then they got a bad rap on their sheet and then they get to talk to me and they’re like, well, I got screwed by this person and this person and this person, and how are you gonna be any different? And that’s what we’re doing to ourselves. So as marketing agencies do us all a favor and stick to your swim lanes and do what you can do well and do it well and then subcontract or give it away.
  • 15:07 – Honestly, money is not that appealing to me. To me, money is like a brick. I’m looking at money and it’s a brick. And how do I take that brick and put concrete on top of it and put another brick on top of that and make something fun with it. So that’s all money is to me. It’s just a tool, it’s a material and I need it to make more.
  • 18:28 – Most of the time the failure comes from me. So everything rises and falls with leadership. If I could teach you to anything, it is that case study right there. If there’s a problem in your company, if there’s something that’s not going wrong, Alex, look at yourself because we are the problem every time. We didn’t say the right thing. We didn’t motivate the people correctly. We weren’t measuring the right things. We didn’t employ enough with the right people to move us down the track where we need to be. So always, I’m always looking at these scenarios. I made a major decision 20 minutes ago and I’m moving teams and members around in order to accomplish a better goal that I was the problem.
  • 24:45 – It doesn’t matter. It’s just business. I’m not on the roof swinging a hammer. Why would I swing a hammer? I I would suck at that. I would cut the board all kinds of weird ways and it would never fit. That’s not my strength. So you take strengths and weaknesses and I’m always on, I want to hone my own skillset to where I’m focused on my strengths, not my weaknesses. So when I bring somebody into, I don’t care what company, it’s, we may have somebody and I employed them for the construction company. We’re building a house and I find out that he’s better at marketing. I’m sucking ’em over here into the marketing department. It doesn’t matter. Put people where they’re gonna flourish and then help them grow that.