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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Nailing Niche: Building Value in Marketing Agencies

Dive deep into the art of agency growth, team culture, and strategic collaboration in this powerhouse episode featuring Skyler Reeves. Get insider knowledge on honing operations, the importance of philosophy in business, and harnessing community for creating enterprise value. Plus, tips on positioning your agency in a crowded market. Don’t miss these impactful insights that can reshape your agency’s future!

Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Masters in Marketing Agency Podcast.

  • Growth through internal education.
  • Effective client expectation management.
  • Collaborating with other agencies.
  •  Building enterprise value.
  • The importance of conversion rate optimization.
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  • 4:19 – I think it’s, you know, when you’re running a business, there’s definitely some merit to the who not how line of thinking, I need to do it more myself. Frankly, I think if you know that you’re the type of person who does like to learn or who does like to challenge themselves, I think that’s where the real benefit comes from. So there’s a certain, you know, when we give ourselves these self-limiting beliefs of I can’t do something or I’m not capable of something that’s very different from, I don’t want to do something and it’s the things that you think you can’t do that I think are worth exploring and trying to get down to the core and really asking yourself, why do you think that way? At what point in your life did you start telling yourself that?
  • 8:57 – I think it probably comes, a lot of it has to do with how you’re looking at both the micro and the macro simultaneously sometimes. So in the micro, I don’t think about the macro and I just think about what’s the small win. But when I do feel like I’m kind of hitting against a wall, like whether I’m trying to, I mean in the world of software development, it’s like a lot of times you’re solving novel problems unless you’re just on a team somewhere just banging out code for somebody. But in that world of solving novel problems, it’s you’re always gonna hit a brick wall at some point and there’s always something that goes wrong. You gotta troubleshoot, you gotta figure out, you don’t even know how to approach the problem. And I think what helps me push through there is the experience of, I look back and I say, things may be hard, but if I just start to calculate up the progress that I’ve made over a year, you start to realize what that golf looks like.
  • 41:56 – Once things start to get boring, don’t change. If it’s making you money and it’s consistent, just start hiring people to run your company at that point and just let it make money and you go solve whatever novel problems you want to on the side, but just let that thing start printing you money at that point. ’cause that’s when you know you’ve got something.
  • 29:32 – Where you give a customer something to review like a piece of content and tell ’em to edit it. Most customers are not at trained editors, right? They’re like, there’s a way to edit content, there’s different stages of editing, different types of editing. You have to kind of know what the writer’s looking for, et cetera. Most writers or most customers are not trained editors, but everyone thinks that they are just like everyone thinks that they can write when half the time what they’re really doing is just hitting keys on a keyboard. And so what happens is you ask ’em to edit it and in their mind think I have to provide feedback here, right? Like I have to, I have to do something, I have to, I don’t know if it’s like, I need to assert control or I need to assert my knowledge or what, right? So getting on a call with them, streamline that a ton because we can say, we’re not here to talk about grammar.
  • 34:34 – So it’s like, look at the behavior and change the behavior. Like ask yourself like, what’s the root cause here? How do I change it? And again, I think a big part of it’s just fear. It’s fear of telling the clients either a no or yes, but, they really don’t care for the most part. Again, they just wanna know, they want the thing done. And if it’s something that’s like really urgent, okay, they’ll let you know, they’ll say, I really need this like this week, is there any way we can expedite this? And then there’s your chance to make more margin just like sure, you know, 200% the cost, right? And if it’s really that urgent, they’ll pay it.