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Reading Time: 3 minutes

Mastering Your Market: Inside the World of Kaizen Marketing

Dive into the riveting world of entrepreneurship with Kyle Barry, a master marketer who’s smashing normalcy and fear with his innovative strategies. From the hectic kitchen of a family restaurant to the adrenaline-fueled arenas of professional paintball, Kyle’s diverse experiences have sculpted a unique business acumen. Discover how Kaizen Marketing Agency thrives on psychology, data, and passion to deliver unmatched customer acquisition.

Here are a few topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Masters in Marketing Agency Podcast.

  • Breaking the norm in marketing.
  • Ownership and profits in business.
  • The psychological edge in sales.
  • The value of diversified experiences.
  • Strategies for lasting success.


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  • 48:04 – I believe that the only way to find truth is to source out as many potential sources as possible. Weed out their personal relations, weed out their personal emotions behind X, Y, and Z, and find out how Malcolm Gladwell and Alex Hormozi talk about business and find the common denominators there. ‘Cause as you start looking through enough information, you’ll find that all these things are very consistent across the board. It’s why Kaizen has done so well for small to medium-sized businesses. Because in today’s world everyone cares about the big fish. Everyone cares about the e-commerce business that’s gonna be able to scale to a hundred thousand dollars a month. And they put every bell and whistle on that e-commerce client and they do a 10th of that for the local restaurant when in actuality they’re the same structure. You need the same outreach email programs, CRM, support, communication tactics in an e-commerce business as you do in a restaurant.
  • 09:12 – The greatest lesson was definitely getting suspended from high school. ‘Cause I printed, I think it was like 6,000 menus out of the printer in high school. And I was like getting yelled at the end of it. Like, you can’t do that. And I was like, no, no, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it. And yeah, my persistency there got me a suspension in school, but enough flyers to be able to go around my whole little town and put the flyers into people’s cars, into their mailboxes, which is totally illegal. Didn’t know that at the time. Into their mailboxes and everywhere else to start driving my own customers into the business that my father didn’t have previously. So that was the best learning lesson I had from outside of learning how to cook. You know, it’s a valuable lesson that I’ll always have, but the marketing aspect of it is what I fell in love with it.
  • 22:53 – There is zero difference in your brain. The only difference is that in your frontal lobe, if you have a level of dopamine and you’re happy, you become excited. If you have a high level of serotonin and you’re not happy or you’re depressed, you become, you get anxiety from it. You get anxiety from it. So to understand that it’s the same exact thing, but you decide how you actually take that feeling and push it out to the world. Change the way I thought a lot about emotions, right? Because if I’m sitting here feeling anxiety and I’m scared and I’m start sweating and I have anxiety, if I can convince myself, no, it’s not anxiety, that’s excitement. I’m pumped, I’m pumped up so much that I’m nervous about it, use the excitement, hone that excitement and  I used to not be able to talk on stage. I used to shake when I was getting sales calls that all of that has changed.
  • 32:16 – Everything that you think, everything that you feel is not part of this world. It’s only a part of you. It only relies inside you yourself. You are the wall that defines how the world recognizes you when you put that out into the world, right? Every time you say something, you move your hands, you make a gesture. That’s what you’re gonna be defined as in this world. So make sure that you understand nobody else in existence controls how you are defined besides you, you are the one that are gonna take the emotions and the thought process and define what that really looks like as a representation of yourself. So as you were saying like that, that left and right brain ideology and the structure of how to see things, it is completely controlled by you. It is the hardest thing in the world to do, to find out how to control yourself and your own emotions past what you naturally feel.
  • 40:27 – But even when we send reports, I just got off a meeting right before this call where, you know, we start off the call with, Hey, you spent $2,000 on your meta advertising, we generated $8,000 in total revenue, then here’s the consumer avatars, here’s the creative that’s working, here’s the message test that we put out there. Here’s the results of the success that we’re having. But it always starts and we’re forefront with, you gave me X and I delivered Y in revenue, which I believe is the core value for any agency out there.