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Reading Time: 4 minutes

Driving Traffic with Focused SEO Strategies

Dive into an infotainment-rich episode where we drive through everything from weekend plans to wisdom on scaling up your SEO with Steven Schneider. Get under the hood of TrioSEO’s success, rev up with strategic insights, and ease into the cornering technique of focusing on high-intent organic traffic—all while getting a sneak peek into a Halloween moose costume and EDM concert stories.

Here are a few topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Masters in Marketing Agency Podcast.

  • TrioSEO’s unique content focus.
  • Driving organic traffic effectively.
  • Insights on the entrepreneurship journey.
  • The power of patience in business.
  • Steven Schneider’s SEO strategies.


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  • 19:52 – I connected with Connor and he’s like a big SEO guy in the space, kind of one of the top people there. So we kind of naturally hit it off, started networking, talking and texting. I met his partner Nathan Hirsch, they’re best friends since college. They’ve been entrepreneurs together for 15 years. They have great success as well and just kinda had this natural flow and rhythm between us and felt like it was just something there. So yeah, one night I was texting Connor and I was just like why don’t you guys have an SEO agency? Like this makes so much sense. Like you both have a ton of clout in the SEO space and just business in general. They had just come off their exit in 2019 starting a couple new companies, all this sort of stuff and they’re like oh no we have it all mapped out. Like we have a 20 page document that is what we would do, how we would do it. Everything is planted to the T.
  • 55:49 – And then there’s optimizing towards human behavior. And the human behavior piece is we go through a process of understanding customer personas that a client has, mapping those out, understanding kind of, which pages relate to which customers and what are they trying to, like, what kind of concerns, questions, buying, you know, buying questions they have as they’re on each site. And so we build it to be a sales, a digital salesperson, essentially. We need to answer these questions as we go down the page. And then as we’re monitoring for that, we’re looking how far down do they scroll. If 50% of the people scroll to the bottom of the page, that’s not a good thing ’cause they didn’t find what they were looking for. Yeah. They didn’t
    Steven: Have their answer
  • 33:42: I don’t know if it’s taught, but the one thing that I constantly remind myself of is patience. Like it is the most underrated attribute of an entrepreneur. I would say if you are just very, very patient and thinking years, that’s kind of something that we always have. That’s why we kind of also clicked is because like the agency within Nate and Connor and I, it was always like, year one is fine. Like we’re just gonna hope, like focus on what I said, like processes and team and all that sort of stuff. And I think everyone is so blinded by trying to make a million dollars in 30 days, and it’s like why aren’t you making a million dollars in five years? It’s like, it’s like it’s gonna be way more sustainable, way more successful and it’s probably gonna last, you know, 10 plus 15 years down the road. So I think reminding yourself to zoom out, think about why you started, like no one gets into business to flip it and sell it in a year. And so it’s like if you’re actually in it for the long haul, like treat it like it’s a long haul and do everything else that’s very process-oriented and systems-wise so that your life is easier and you can actually scale. But if you’re just constantly in the weeds, it’s like you’re, why, why would you start a business for that reason?
  • 16:48 – That is a feeling you don’t want to feel again. Like, you wanna minimize that feeling as many times as possible moving forward. So you’re gonna create a system, you’re gonna create a process, you’re gonna have your team like hone in on that to avoid it. And so it’s like that conflict, then let’s change. And so if you can go into any situation thinking like that and knowing like, wow, the moment this sucks, like I hate this feeling but what can we do to make sure that we minimize this moving forward? And that is the change that will kind of like compound to become a successful endeavor.
  • 28:47 – Josh: On that note, what do you do with customers who ask for something that you don’t specialize in or, or don’t have internally?
    Steven: We have a pretty good referral network so we’ll just say like, Hey, we don’t do that sometimes like with links right now we’re starting to, well white label someone else’s agency and bring them in under ourselves so that we can kind of still manage the communication, manage the billing, make sure all the reporting’s good. Like it’s just easier from the client’s point of view where they just work with us, and then we manage everything else. But I think I’d say it’s pretty few and far between where people will be like, Hey, I also want to do email marketing and it’s a must that this happens. It’s like people come to us knowing we do content. I would say the only kind of in discrepancy is when people want to do like local SEO, and that’s just like an entirely different can of worms. And so we’re like, we have a referral for that, and that’s fine