Reading Time: 4 minutes
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Unpacking Success: Self-Awareness, Motivation & Stoicism

Dive into a dynamic conversation with Deevo Tindall as he spins tales from road rage to the power of microdosing. Is what we know about branding and caffeine all a lie? Uncover life lessons on what truly powers success and get a kick of real talk on stoicism and discipline—all wrapped in a bittersweet blend of humor and insight.

Here are a few topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Masters in Marketing Agency Podcast.

  • Brand before marketing.
  • Coffee as a societal loophole.
  • Stoicism in modern life.
  • Storytelling as a core strategy.
  • Photography to brand strategy leap.


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  • And so I had this idea of what if I could bridge the gap between content strategy and deployment? And so I started like helping clients. It was sort of more on an ad hoc capacity. I know a bunch, I know so many people. And so I knew a social media manager. I’m pretty good at social media myself. I knew copywriters, I knew web developers. I knew SEO people. So I started like plugging and playing little solutions like, let’s just take you for example, you know, you had this great content shoot that I had done for you, but you didn’t really know how to do that. I was like, Hey Josh, I can take your content. I can put it on social media for you. I can get you on a website. Like all these different things. Well, I don’t have a website. Well, I know somebody who can build a website, so let me get you, so anyhow, you can see where I’m going with this. And so one thing just led to an next, and before you knew it, I sort of was getting these different business things, opportunities because I had treated these people just as well as I had treated my other clients. So I was getting referrals and all these things.
  • 41:48 – Deevo: Anyway, I was just genuinely curious in sort of the, the, I’m always been curious about the metaphysical connection. So I’ve, I grew up with God in my life and all these different religions and so I’ve never really believed in any one theory. I just had a lot of hypotheses about a bunch of different things. And I’m fascinated by that sort of micro macrocosm relationship of humans and this, you know, this idea of God. And then I started, you know, exploring, you know, there’s plant-based medicines and all the different effects and the shamans and things that they espouse to. And then I started diving into like Native American histories and like all the different things that they did. And I was like, you know, the further I went down the rabbit hole, the further I started to realize that the information that we have been given was misinformation in order to guide us down a different rabbit hole of someone else’s choosing. Right? And so it’s one of the reasons I started my podcast unlearn everything is I started realizing that everything we have been told is a lie. Literally everything we have been told is a lie from politics to economics, to relationships, to sex, to God, to the universe, to literally everything has been a lie. And one of those things that I discovered was that plant-based medicine was also a lie. It has been ostracized so that they could push us into the direction of alcohol. For example, alcohol is one of the single biggest poisons on the planet.
    Josh: As pharmaceutical,  I put pharmaceuticals in there, in there as well.
  • 1:03:20 – You need to get that down so that you, your team, anything that is associated with your business has consistency, clarity and cohesion so that when your customer reads it, they can align with that and they understand the language that you’re sharing, the problems that you solve. Because not everybody is your customer, you know, very specific types of people are your customer. And so you wanna make sure that the language that you’re speaking to them is the language they understand and that speaks to their problem.
  • 38:31 – And so I know I’m going different direction than you had hoped, but just to be vulnerable, I can tell you that we do always have a choice in how we respond to everything. And I would suspect that the people who have a better outcome are generally the people that choose a more optimal response to everything, every trigger, every failure, every inopportunity, ever anything that ever happens to them that doesn’t go advantageously for them. Deevo number one would choose, would choose the lighter response and Deevo number two would choose the blame response. And like, it’s your fault that I suck.
  • 39:22 – I think introspective awareness, learning to find a time and a place to be by yourself and understand who you are and how you operate and have some quiet time by yourself is one way. Therapy is another. Finding good group of peers and mentors to surround yourself with. It’s very important that you surround yourself with quality people. You become a byproduct of the six people you hang around with most. And if the six people that you’re surrounding yourself are assholes, you’re gonna become an asshole.